BL Moor High School Legacy

Untold stories from 1960-2015

About the project

This website is a testimony to the persistent efforts of the East Oktibbeha County community over the years to support their educational opportunities and successes. Without the endurance and commitment from so many individuals, this story would not have been possible.

In The Legacy pages, the history of the school is charted from its foundations as a country school house, to its growth prior to federally-mandated integration, to the legacy that class of 1960 left with B.L. Moor High School.

In the Commemoration pages, the accomplishments of the EAEOCS are highlighted, and the individual contributions of noteable alumni, staff, and faculty are shared.

Finally, in the Today pages, the lasting effects of consolidation are recorded, the ongoing efforts to preserve BL Moor’s legacy are listed, and the contact information for contributing to the community efforts of EAEOCS is shared.


This website is a project of the EAEOCS, lead by Jacqueline Ellis. The images in the collection and much of the research of BL Moor’s history comes from her personal collection. Jackie is also in part responsible for writing some of the commemorative text of the site.

Parker Haley is a graduate of Mississippi State University, and he scanned, compiled, and wrote the text for the site. Hillary Richardson is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Undergraduate Research at Mississippi University for Women, and she provided oversight for the project.

Scanning equipment, web development, and funding were provided by Deep South DH, a collaboration between Mississippi University for Women and Millsaps College. This project was also made possible by a grant from the Mississippi Humanities Council, through support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or the Mississippi Humanities Council.

This site is generated using CollectionBuilder-GH, a project to create a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages from

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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